The Refugee Protection Division (RPD) is an important part of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). Its main role is to hear and decide on claims for refugee protection made by individuals who are in Canada and seeking protected person status. The RPD operates in a quasi-judicial capacity, meaning that it has the authority to make decisions that are binding on the parties involved.
If you are in Canada and believe that you are a convention refugee or a person in need of protection, you need to make a claim for refugee status at an Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) or Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) office, or at a Port of Entry (such as an airport or border crossing). You will need to provide evidence to support your claim, and you may be asked to attend a hearing before the RPD to present your case.
If you are outside of Canada, you can also make a claim for refugee status. However, these claims are not processed by the RPD. Instead, they are processed by IRCC. If your claim is accepted, you may be eligible to come to Canada as a refugee.
Overall, the RPD and the refugee program in Canada are crucial in protecting the rights of individuals who are seeking protected person status in Canada. They provide safety and protection to those who are fleeing persecution, conflict, or other forms of harm, helping them build a new life in Canada. A Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) can assist you in navigating the complex rules and regulations involved in seeking refugee protection in Canada, making the process easier and increase the chances of success for your case at a reasonable price.